Joel Shapiro - Rochester NY

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Joel Shapiro - Rochester NY

Post by JRS » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:21 pm

Hello, My name is Joel Shapiro. I have and still am
accumulating extensive experience with Macro
Scheduler - in my opinion the absolute flat out best
Windows Robot tool there is (No, I'm NOT a shill for

My current experience with Macro Scheduler is
developing a personal project of scanning sports
handicapping web pages for the latest money
line and spread information and then firing an E-mail
/E-Mail wirepage to the subscriber when the spread
or money line reaches a certain magnitude (positive
or negative) or having Macro Scheduler running on
the client side waiting for an E-Mail and then having
Macro Scheduler automatically placing the wager.

I am NOT! advertising this service on this board
especially as it is currently under development. I
mention it only in the context it is very intricate,
custom Macro Scheduler work where I encounter
many nuances and subtleties of Macro Scheduler.
I've found if one approach doesn't work there are
work-arounds to reach the desired objective.
Without getting into specifics this project is

proceeeding superbly with Macro Scheduler.

However, I'm looking to forego this project to work
on other "real projects" as a contractor. My other
forte is programming Macros for Excel.

I assure you my rates will be among the most
reasonable you will find.

I can be contacted at:

Joel Shapiro
Rochester NY
(585) 473-7013 - (Anytime before 22:00 or 10:00 PM EST/EDT any day)
(585) 255-0997 - Cell (Call anytime)
[email protected]

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